You have a swimming carnival, you have an athletics carnival, why not have a Shakespeare Carnival?
Sport for Jove is proud to present the 2025 Shakespeare Carnival: a NSW and ACT event that encourages students to get up and get active, creating their own theatrical worlds by directing short films, composing music, choreographing dances and physical theatre pieces, and acting scenes and short works of theatre that are inspired by the work of William Shakespeare.
The Shakespeare Carnival is a great opportunity for students to challenge themselves, learn new ideas, gain confidence and social skills, and improve literacy as they bring Shakespeare’s inspiring characters to life.
After months of school and regional level Shakespeare Carnivals, winners will have the amazing opportunity to work with professional artists on their pieces and perform them at The Seymour Centre.
Come see these budding theatrical stars take to the stage and impress with their creativity, skill, and imagination.
Teacher Professional Development
Teaching Shakespeare can sometimes be intimidating. That’s why we offer amazing upskilling courses in a range of areas to not only help you run your Shakespeare Carnival but also teach Shakespeare in the classroom with clarity and confidence.
For more information contact carnival@sportforjove.com.au.
Open to all high school students in NSW and the ACT.
Shape It To Your Needs
The Shakespeare Carnival can be tailored to suit your school, your students and your needs! It’s a chance for teachers of English, Drama, Music, Dance and Art to link their classes to a state-wide performance opportunity, deepen class engagement, broaden understanding and build excitement across the whole school as we help you host your own School Shakespeare Carnival.
Prizes include masterclasses with professional actors, choreographers, composers and filmmakers, for participants that are selected for State Grand Final and for winning schools at the Grand Final.
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Now, in its 9th exciting year! The Shakespeare Carnival will be returning to stages for Regional and State levels in 2025!